Canadian Residency Matching Service. Discover the different orthopaedic surgery program profiles from Canadian universities.
The COA serves as the national voice for orthopaedics when speaking with government and media about issues affecting the profession.
The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada is a regulatory college which acts as a national organization to oversee the medical education of specialists in Canada.
Discover high-yield topics in orthopaedic surgery and quiz yourself using their question bank.
COSMEC, a virtual course by the University of Toronto's Division of Orthopaedic Surgery.
The Orthopaedic Video Theater (OVT) provides AAOS members trusted, relevant surgical videos from globally renowned experts across the orthopaedic landscape.
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In Canada, orthopaedic surgery is a 5-year long residency program. Some programs offer the possibility to pursue other degrees (e.g., MSc, PhD, MBA, MPH, etc.) which may require additional years. For a complete description of each program, visit the CaRMS website.
There are several ways to get to know the orthopaedic surgery residency programs in Canada:
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